The Importance of Company Culture

Company culture is not just a buzzword. It’s the key to your company’s success. According to Forbes, “A positive organizational culture is not a “nice to have.” It’s a business imperative.” So, how do you create a positive culture in your organization?

The Three Pillars

When identifying company culture, you should focus on three pillars: 

  • Values and Mission: Your company’s core values and mission statement should be your go-to when making any decision. Every choice made within the organization should align with these principles. When your actions reflect your values and mission, you create a sense of purpose that resonates with both employees and customers.
  • People: Hiring and promoting employees based on their alignment with your culture is of utmost importance. It’s not just about skills and qualifications; it’s about finding individuals who genuinely believe in your company’s values. These individuals ensure your company culture remains strong and consistent.
  • Communication: A positive company culture begins and ends with healthy communication. Your core values and mission statement should be shared, shared, and shared again and when an employee goes above and beyond to demonstrate those values, they should be recognized.  

Defining Your Company’s Culture

To define your company’s culture, first speak with your employees. Ask them what your organization stands for, what your longterm goals are, and what is required of employees.

For example, StyleBlueprint’s core values are to lead with integrity, honesty and respect, go the extra mile, show up for each other, strive for clarity in communication, and never compromise the brand. These values are taken into consideration in all internal and external decisions.

Then, use your core values to help shape your mission statement. 

The Culture-Critical Decisions

Every decision within your company should be made through the lens of your three pillars. Whether it’s a strategic move, a hiring choice, or a process change, ask yourself: Does it align with our values and mission? Will it strengthen our culture, or will it weaken it? This evaluation ensures that your culture remains at the forefront of your decision-making process.

The Impact of Culture on Employee Engagement and Retention

An engaged employee is a person who does not just show up, do their work, and clock out. They are genuinely invested in the company’s goals and feel excited and passionate about seeing them through. Employees whose values align with your company’s values are more likely to stick around for the long haul.

Conversely, a negative company culture can have a profound effect on employee retention. When employees do not feel aligned with the company’s values or do not believe the company culture is consistent, they are more likely to search elsewhere.

This is even more true for top employees. The employees who consistently work hard and show a high success rate will leave the company in search of a healthier culture. 

Consistency Is Key

Consistency, consistency, consistency. Maintaining a positive company culture is not a one-time effort. Every leader, from the CEO to middle management, must champion the culture and lead by example. Consistency means upholding your values, even when it’s challenging, and holding each and every person on your team accountable.

Does It Really Matter?

In a word: yes. Company culture is not a fluffy concept or a corporate fad. It’s the foundation upon which success is built. A strong culture attracts top talent, enhances employee engagement, and drives innovation. It fosters an environment where individuals are proud to work and are dedicated to a shared mission.

Bailey Torkelson

Bailey Torkelson is StyleBlueprint’s Marketing Manager.